The exemplar of all cats reverently known as Sabo Kitty. Sabo Kitty founded the IWW and invented the industrial sabotage in collaboration with King Ludd. This explains the abundance of fish bones found jammed into gears in damaged looms from the 1800s. After the capitalists gained the upper hand and banned industrial sabotage the IWW tried some strikes. They were cool but some goon called /a union representative/ made up rules about the strike and made deals with the capitalist pigs to prevent the workers from overturning the system of exploitation. Sabo Kitty said fuck that and invented the WILDCAT STRIKE. It’s like the regular strike, but there are no rules and no leaders. It just happens. When someone pours cement down the plumbing of the restaurant you work at and it hardens overnight and no one can explain it and now there’s no work today; that’s a wildcat strike. And if they ask you who did it you can say, “it must have been Sabo Kitty.” The workers may be gaining ground. Make haste spread the legend of Sabo Kitty.
3.5″ x 3″ vinyl stickers are hot off the press.
Printed on premium vinyl paper.
Laminated with a durable sheet of crystal-clear vinyl to protect against water.
Made by the paw.
Cut by the paw